

Hello everyone! I’m Evan. I’m 29 years old, grew up in Hawaii, went to college in Colorado, and now live in Hermosa Beach, California. I live with my husband, Blake, and our puppy Henry. I love yoga, reading, beaching, sleeping, and drinking wine with my friends. Here is my story (short version):

After suffering from severe eczema and psoriasis for 10 years and being dependent on corticosteroids for most of that time, I decided I needed a big change. I had been to countless dermatologists who told me not to worry about what was causing my skin lesions while writing me a prescription for steroid creams. No answers, explanations, or guidance of any kind was given to me and I felt alone and frustrated. I was discouraged because I didn’t want to rely on drugs for the rest of my life. After so many years of feeling hopeless I decided to educate myself, and try to figure out what was causing my body to be so inflamed. The gluten free diet I was eating wasn’t getting me healthy, so I started reading anything I could find on nutrition and down the rabbit hole I went. I realized it’s not just about what you avoid eating; it’s about what you do eat. I learned how to cook nutrient dense whole foods. I worked on healing my digestion, calming inflammation, and nourishing my body so it could work properly. I learned about the quality of my food, where it comes from, and how it is grown. It’s been a slow process, but my skin is 95% healed and I’ve been off all drugs for 9 months! It’s truly remarkable. I can’t attribute all my success to food; I also used supplements to address specific vitamin deficiencies for a short period of time. I also made life style changes like getting more sleep. But food is at the heart of my healing process, and it’s time for me to share my experience and knowledge with others. It’s not about a “diet,” its about a paradigm shift, a change of perspective, and an acceptance of new information. I want people to know that health is attainable, and that it all starts with food.

Love, E